As well as continuous research, an essential element in an industry that is still evolving and in turmoil, quality control is a pivotal point in every action signed by SAMIA.
Esame di laboratorio
Laboratorio chimico
An important novelty introduced on the market in recent years by SAMIA is the “LEATHER Color System”, a colorimetric system intended for the tanning industry capable of reproducing a very wide range of colors. With a precision dosing system, the imitation of each color takes place precisely, reducing the environmental impact and eliminating any waste.

With a spectrophotometer we are able to read a color from any medium. By interfacing the spectrophotometer with the dispenser, which uses SAMIA pigments contained in 24 tanks, the mixture is made in the laboratory to reproduce the color that has been “read”, in quantities ranging from 100 grams to 5 kg. From here then the realization of the desired color even in industrial quantities by interfacing the industrial machine with that of the laboratory, where colors up to 150/200 kg can be produced.
In a highly competitive and constantly evolving sector such as that of leather, the mere proposal of even the most valid of products would be in vain, if not supported by adequate technical assistance. SAMIA service technicians are in fact able to reach tanning companies of all types of production, in every part of the world and to interact with the responsible technicians to share needs and problems and to suggest articles, processes and products suitable for their needs.
Campione di pelle